New Year, New Thank You's
Hello, Chickens!
Goodbye’s are usually never easy, but saying goodbye to 2019 is so much easier when I know where 2020 is headed. We are headed for super fantabulous things!!! I know I have been shouting out about a new website and brand coming soon for months now...this tech stuff is making me a little crazy. The development team keeps telling me that we are that is all I can tell you. One thing I do promise....I will do it BIG! Big changes, Big excitement, and Big giveaways to show you how much I love what is ahead! So STAY TUNED! Don't lose hope for us...we are so the development team keeps telling me! 🙄! The most important part of this blog post...I need to say THANK YOU!
I am a thinker…a ponderer, actually. I love to have my down time so I can think about things and reminisce. I have not had a lot of time to do this recently with a busy order season and holidays with family. It can take a toll on me if I don’t have my time to just sit and “think!” (I can hardly say that without thinking of Pooh Bear…do you remember Pooh when he says, ”Think think, Think think" ??)
Now, I sit in my bed on December 31, 2019 with a nasty little something that has invaded my tired body. I’m choosing to think of it as a “little gift” so that I can lay low and do my thinking and pondering. I’m pondering how blessed I am to just be able to say Thank you.
This blog post is just not adequate, but it's all I have to say THANK YOU all for not only the friendship, but so many sweet comments, messages on instagram, emails, and even text messages! You are all so very special to me. You make my days rich. I love the term “my cup runneth over.” It is indeed an appropriate term when I think of all of you.
So, from me, my little team, and my family, Happy New Year and Thank You! Many many blessings to all of you!!
You all mean the world to my little world of small-business mixed with life!
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